Competitive Strengths
Infrastructure delivers transport and market optionality, incremental value and competitive advantage
Our integrated assets are strategically located in the core of the Bakken and offer a diversified service offering attractive netback pricing and access to a range of export options that provide us with a competitive advantage in capturing volumes from Hess and third party producers. The majority of our assets were constructed or have undergone extensive renovations within the past five years. We have continued to invest in our uniquely positioned asset base to capture volumes resulting from Hess’ expected drilling activity.
Stable and growing cash flows are supported by long-term, fee-based contracts
Our commercial agreements with Hess extend through 2033 and provide us with an attractive and stable cash flow base with opportunities to both grow our business and provide accretive financial opportunities to our investors. Our long-term, fee-based commercial contracts with Hess, a high-quality commercial counterparty, provide substantially all of our revenues. They are based on broad Bakken production dedications with minimum volume commitments, annual inflation escalators and fee recalculation mechanisms, all of which are intended to provide Hess Midstream with cash flow stability and growth, as well as downside risk protection.
Experienced and integrated leadership team with strong execution track record and focus on safety and operational excellence
Our management team has substantial experience and an established record of safety and reliability in the development, management and operation of our midstream assets. Our senior management team includes several of Hess’ most senior officers, who work closely with Hess’ Bakken operating team on the planning and execution of Hess’ Bakken development and infrastructure projects. Our management team is also committed to maintaining and improving the safety, reliability, integrity and efficiency of our operations, which we believe are key components in generating stable cash flows. We also utilize Hess’ strong internal safety review program and maintain a comprehensive employee safety training program.